What You Get With Jill's Killer Abs
16 Individually Recorded 7-minute Ab Workouts that Target Your Abs Differently Each Day So You Don't Overtrain Them.
4 Bonus 8-minute Booty Workouts to Tighten and Tone, as Well as Support Your Lower Back, Which is Imperative to a Strong Healthy Core.
A Printable PDF Calendar with Quick Links to Each Workout Meant to Make Getting Your Workouts Done Easily and to Keep You Accountable to Staying On Track.

What Results Can You Expect From Jill's Killer Abs?
Improve loose skin and saggy belly fat
Lose inches off your waist
More defined abs
Fit better into your jeans
Lose the muffin top
Feel the tightness you had before pregnancies
See beautiful oblique lines
Get compliments from your loved ones
Look and feel better in your skin​
Become a fanatic about your quick ab workouts
Bonus: Lift, tighten and tone your booty too!

"Jill's Killer Abs is Better Than Every Popular Program I've Tried, and Believe Me, I Tried Them All!
- Christie C.
Other programs only give you a few workouts to repeat over and over
Other programs don't work your abs from all angles like Jill's
Other programs don't have a trainer who truly cares about her clients
Other programs have moves that not everyone can do
Other don't include an option for nutrition advice
Other programs don't teach you WHY and HOW each move develops your abs
The Juicy Highlights About Jill
• 30 Pound weight gain on Study Abroad
• 12 Foot Ladder Fall & Spinal Injury
• Constipated My Whole Life
• Chocolate Addict
• Mom to 2 Boys
• MBA & Former VP of Finance & Accounting
• NASM Certified Personal Trainer
• Founder: Empowered Fitness Mastery
There was a time in my life when I felt hopeless, uncomfortable, confused and thought something must have been wrong with my body/metabolism.
I had a stressful busy corporate job, no time for me. I resorted to plastic surgery, which was a complete failure and left me feeling worse about myself than ever.
Over the last several years in the industry, I have MASTERED weight loss for the long term in a manageable way that works for the working or stay at home mom who feels all the stresses of daily life.
I was there.
I get you.
I've got your back.