The Step by Step Process A vision board represents your dreams, your goals, the best version of you… and by visualizing, you make those things REAL! It seems simple but here’s the thing: where your attention goes, your energy flows. So, by looking at your vision board every day, you give your attention to the things you want to attract into your life! (Mine is my laptop backdrop)
Pre-Game - Watch this First:
Step 1: Envision YOU in 2022
Write down the answers to these questions right now:
Who do you live with (fur babies count too)?
What is something you accomplished in 2021 that you are super proud of?
What is something you hope to accomplish in 2022?
Describe yourself in 3 words
Step 2: Brain Dump - What do you desire?
Get a piece of paper for this. The process of creating your vision board requires you to focus on getting crystal clear about your dreams and envisioning the life you truly want!
Take your empty sheet of paper and write down EVERYTHING that comes to mind when you think about your ideal life.
Don’t restrict yourself. Everything that comes to mind, write it down… even if it seems impossible. You can be a little bit selfish here - remember, this is your dream life.
As you sit and reflect on what it is you want, I really want you to also think about how you want to feel every day - happy, vibrant, positive, loving, grateful. --------- Step 3: Identify 7 goals for 2022 that will help you get closer to living your dream!
It’s important to make these SMART goals! SMART is an acronym for goal-setting - you want your goals to be:
Specific - “Get in shape” isn’t a great goal; get specific and write a goal like “I want to get a Beachbody on Demand subscription and workout 5 days a week.”
Measurable - You need to have criteria for measuring progress (otherwise you won’t know if you’ve reached your goal)! So, we don’t say “I want to lose weight,” we say, “I want to lose 20 pounds.”
Achievable - Ask yourself: Do I have the resources and capabilities to achieve the goal? If not, what am I missing?
Relevant - This is why having your dream life exercise from yesterday is important. If your dream life involves sleeping in and having a leisurely morning, it would make no sense for you to set the goal “I wake up at 5am every day to workout.” Make sure your goals make sense for what YOU want!
Time-Bound - You should have a deadline for yourself, to create a sense of urgency and motivation to achieve the goal!
Envision YOU in 2022 and write 7 goals (or more) for 2022 - at least 1 for each of these categories:

Step 4: Make Your Vision Board and Post it Where You Will See It Daily This doesn't really work unless that vision board is something you can see and focus on daily. Like if someone asked you in a month from now what is on it, you could totally picture the words and pictures on the page. Make your board in a way that is enjoyable, not a chore and is a path of less resistance....i.e. if you want to go old fashioned and cut out pictures and letters from magazines and paste it on posterboard, then fine...get to it (kindergarten teachers!...I know that's you!). But if you know you would never do that if it involved searching for supplies, then make it easy on yourself and either use an app on your phone and pics on your camera roll (canva, picmonkey or piccollage are all great free apps) or do what I do and make it in a power point presentation. I just upload pics from my phone to my computer and google images to add, pop in some text and set a background color. -------- That's it! Like I said in my video... this is something that most people won't do! 95% of you won't, maybe 75% of you who read this blog post won't even do it. But those who see it through are the ones who see the point of it all and have belief that what you focus on expands. That this exercise is everything in making 2022 incredible....because from there we can start making plans of action...massive action. xoxo Cheers to an Elevated 2022 Jill
Check out my Dream Board below and Direct Message or Email me with your work as it stands in progress or when you complete the exercise! I am happy to be part of your journey or hold you accountable to getting this done!
